by David Bookout
Related Post: to-discount-or-not-to-discount.

40 North is key ~ Business health is critical and just like physical health, understanding some basic principles can go a long way in keeping your business viable long term. To me, THE King ( or, THE Queen, if you'd prefer ) of these principles on the business side is "Gross Margin". Gross Margin is hands down the key factor to watch for each and every transaction. As a rough rule, businesses that are NOT generating a minimum of 40% at the gross margin level will have a difficult time sustaining long term Business Profitability. In short, the lack of healthy vital signs in these areas make for a short lived business existence.
But what if your business doesn't have enough customers ?

Our second example illustrates why, from a retailer's perspective, executing a Group-Buy offer may not be a good choice. Note the Net Profit LOSS of $65. Some might say "I'm not worried about that, that's just the first purchase, we'll make it up over time."
But what really happens ?

And, here's where people might say "Wait a minute, you've already accounted for the loss." But have we ? True, we've accounted for the original $65 loss, but we've only been able to reduce that loss to $55 after the second visit. So, we need to carry that same $55 loss into the next transaction.

Note that after 8 transactions we've made $5 !
Big Box Confusion ~ Entrepreneurs frequently work with the false interpretation that losses can be made up over time, or within volume. BUT NOT in most SMB situations, time and volume is pure fantasy. Why ? Because the Big Box Model ( read WalMart, Costco, etc. ) relies on an economy of scale that most small to medium businesses don't have access to. These big stores have sophisticated systems for understanding blended gross margin. They also the benefit of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of transactions per hour. They've also driven the below the line expenses of each store to the smallest percent they can ~ that's why they are called big boxes. Group-buy does NOT magically emulate these conditions, and as we've just seen, the group-buy model doesn't deliver quick profits.
So, who benefits from group-buy ? ~ Consumers, the group-buy company, and, perhaps, a very small fraction of small to medium businesses that have a healthy pricing model and a high transaction rate ~ but, why would such businesses then need group-buy ?... Thanks for reading, would love to hear your thoughts !! - db