Effetti Growth





Thursday, April 8, 2010

Grooming your identity on the World Wild Web...

In real estate it's location, location, location ~ in cyberspace it's identity, identity, identity.

For those of you that employ the strategy of commenting on other people's blogs to increase the number of link backs to your website, or blog ~ here is a bit of history and tip on upgrading the look of your Gravatar.

Read the whole story at Soulati – 'TUDE!

1 comment:

Jayme Soulati said...

Well, I'll be the first to comment on this post as you so kindly shared my blog post at Soulati-'TUDE! on gravatars.

Thanks! Now I wonder why my ping back service didn't catch this? Another apps review I'll need to investigate.

Nice surprise as I peruse your blog roll for content to add to tomorrow's post.


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